Mud Jacking Vs Polyfoam
Sunken, settled, and uneven concrete slabs plague home and business owners throughout Northern Utah. If you’re looking for a concrete lifting and leveling solution, you might be torn on whether to opt for mudjacking or polyfoam lifting. Both mudjacking and polyfoam are effective solutions for leveling out your concrete from its current trip hazard nightmare situation.
However, you want to ensure that you select the solution that will give you the best bang for your buck and last the longest. The more effective, the better.
Here is what you need to know about some of the key differences between mudjacking and polyfoam lifting so that you can know which is better than the other.
About Mudjacking
When you look into concrete lifting and leveling services, chances are that mud jacking is going to be a top result. It’s a common method to raise sunken or uneven concrete, after all. As the name implies, mudjacking involves pumping a mud mix under sunken concrete in order to lift it.
Unfortunately, mud jacking isn’t a long-lasting solution to your concrete woes, though. First of all, you’ll need to get this service redone every 3 years, due to the nature of the mudjacking fluid. Plus, there’s the aesthetic issue. Mudjacking uses large holes that mar your concrete, bringing down your curb appeal and creating potential trip hazards.
There’s also the fact that mudjacking uses, well, mud. This is precisely why mudjacking doesn’t give longlasting results. When there are freeze-thaw cycles, settling from decayed tree roots, or water damage, the soil under your concrete can shift – and there’s no guarantee that your concrete will remain smooth and level with mudjacking.
About Polyfoam
Polyfoam, on the other hand, provides a long-lasting solution to your sunken, uneven concrete problems. Because it’s long-lasting, not something you need to redo every 3 years, you end up saving money in the long run.
Polyfoam is a polyurethane resin. It starts as two different chemicals. When mixed, they expand from 15x-50x their liquid state. Then, it reacts with ground moisture to create a water impermeable mass that can stabilize soil, seal concrete leaks, and lift and level concrete surfaces.
Unlike mudjacking, polyfoam uses much smaller holes, barely even touching your concrete’s curb appeal. With polyfoam, you’ll barely even know that anything was done – the concrete will just be smooth and level again, no ugly holes telling the truth of the matter.
Plus, with polyfoam, you don’t need to worry about it getting washed away like mudjacking fluid, because it is a waterproof material. It can thus be used for more than concrete lifting and leveling, proving an effective solution for concrete leak repair and the like, as well.
As such, if you want to smooth and level out your concrete, you’ll want to opt for polyfoam solutions rather than mud jacking, for the best, and most cost-effective, results.
Lift Your Concrete The Right Way
… with PolyFoam Solutions!
As our name implies, we use polyfoam for our concrete lifting and leveling services. The reason for this is because we want to ensure that when our clients come to us with their problems, we can give them solutions that actually last. We’re in this to help you, not to try to fleece you of your money.
Since the start of our business, we have helped over 500 Utah homeowners save over $1.5 million dollars by opting for concrete lifting and leveling with polyfoam, rather than replacing damaged concrete.
To learn more about our process or the services that we can provide you with, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.
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